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  • Fr. Dwight Longenecker


Forget your Christmas cards and little crèche the cutesy donkey, sheep and shepherd boys. Put away the twinkle lights and all that trash; the candy, carols, cards and tacky toys. For there in your safe familiar manger lies something that should shock and terrify— a mewling, interstellar stranger, an undercover agent—infant spy. He promises to turn every table and become an unrelenting master. making the satisfied world unstable and lashing the complacent with disaster. Here shivers something unpredictable— divine but defined, swaddled yet wild. Here is something tender and terrible— a feisty girl and her dangerous child.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker is Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. A graduate of Oxford University, he is the Pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary Church, in Greenville, SC, and author of twenty books, including Immortal Combat, The Romance of Religion, The Quest for the Creed, and Mystery of the Magi: The Quest to Identify the Three Wise Men. He contributes to many magazines, papers, and journals, including National Catholic Register, Catholic Digest, and The Stream. His latest book, Beheading Hydra- A Radical Plan for Christians in an Atheistic Age, is published by Sophia Institute Press. Visit his blog, listen to his podcasts, join his online courses, browse his books, and be in touch at


Dwight Longenecker
Dwight Longenecker
Dec 24, 2022

I remember an interview with Steven Spielberg discussing his film Saving Private Ryan. Someone asked whether he intended a particular symbol the viewer spotted in the film. Spielberg smiled and said "No, but I am always very interested in what viewers see in my films that I did not intend and was not aware of."


Dec 24, 2021

A very timely and well-crafted evocation of what this time is all about. Fr. Longenecker clearly has a great gift with words. The second verse is especially good. I just love the last line of it: 'an undercover agent - infant spy', and the double meaning of 'undercover'. Also, the whole idea of someone dangerous and unpredictable arriving to disturb the complacent world is very much to the point and wonderful. Well done!

Dec 24, 2022
Replying to

I've been giving your comment some more thought because I think there is something very significant about 'a double meaning' in a poem that the poet is himself is unaware of. For me, it confirms the existence of a divine power that sometimes speaks through us - and has, perhaps, a kind of eternal life of its own in this world, once its 'Nativity' has taken place. You, as both poet and priest, are particularly well placed to be an agent of that power, as indeed G. M. Hopkins was when he heard 'the roll, the rise, the carol, the creation.'

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