The world does
not care
what lies along the edge
of the chisel or
upon the face
Of the hammer.
It sees only David there.
Before he was
were hunger,
envy, apathy, aggression—
lunatic, whore,
putrid cart of fishmonger.
Each a model for
his perfection.
Yale Series of Younger Poets Award and New Mexico Book Award for Poetry finalist professional editor Daril Bentley is a Writer’s Digest International Poetry Award Honorable Mention recipient and a Black Mountain Press The 64 Best Poets Series author. Editor of The Bentley Guide to Poets & Poetry in English (2019), his The Box (poems) released in 2021. He has published most recently in Better Than Starbucks, CircleShow, and The Lyric. He makes his home in Elmira, NY.
I find this poem difficult to understand. And wonder whether it has any meaning at all. Isn't it just being pretentious?