I do not need you like I do not need
To read, or weep, or stew in nightly news.
I do not need you like I do not need
To whistle past the graveyard in my skull
Or test my fears as someone dips a toe
In steaming water, or calibrates the dawn
To Toccata and Fugue in D minor.
I do not need you like I do not need
To fantasize a cosmic, meta-self,
Or beg forgiveness of my mother, dead
But not forgotten by the rank and file
Of demons chained to the bedpost where she wheezed.
One needs so little, wants so much, and I
Have hogged your affections, wallowed in your charms,
Gotten filthy in your pristine radiance.
I do not need you like I do not need
To differentiate between true love
And true love’s artifice, the truth of love
Being the blur of content to its form.
Richard's forthcoming collection is entitled "The Woman with a Cat on Her Shoulder" from Carnegie Mellon University Press. His "Chained to a Tree: A Memoir in Essays about Poets and the Fools Who Love Them" is forthcoming at about the same time from Louisiana State University Press. He is the founding director of the Prague Summer Program, and teaches at Western Michigan University.