Night broods heavy, dark, and still –
Its darkest, stillest hour,
When the damp, dead airs chill
And the starlight glows dour.
I roam the dark alone – it seems
The only being alive –
Debarred from the realm of dreams
And all the peace they give.
Hear! A solo voice dares break
From nowhere into song –
A bird’s chirp. Though soft and meek,
In silence it rings strong.
Then other tongues warble, trill,
Emboldened, joining in,
Swelling to a chorus, fill
The dark with joyous din.
Still in utter dark, they sing
To hail the coming sun,
Though dawn’s first faint glimmering
Lies hidden, unbegun.
Simple faith of simple birds –
They trust their sun will come –
Told in song beyond all words,
Before which words fall dumb.
Adam Sedia (b. 1984) lives in his native Indiana, where he practices as a civil and appellate litigation attorney. His poems have appeared in print and online publications, and he has published two volumes of poetry: The Spring's Autumn (2013) and Inquietude (2016). He also composes music, which may be heard on his YouTube channel. He lives with his wife, Ivana, and their children.