Dear friend of the shadows,
Share your hidden graces,
And softly sing
From the darkened mazes.
Dear friend of the shadows,
Share your magic graces,
And sing for me
From the darkened mazes.
Many lonely evenings
Were spent lost in a haze,
But no song rang
From meadows or verdant ways.
Maidens sang their sweet songs
In the deep valley-glade,
But my soul stole
Where both sun and moon fade.
At night I often hear
The sound of lonely fays,
Gently sighing,
From the darkened mazes.
Then I forget the world,
Like the sad nightingale
Who softly sings
From the darkened mazes.
The soul’s roaming ceases
Like a pilgrim gazing
On the pale moon
From the darkened mazes.
Like a nightingale’s voice
Under bright stars’ gazes,
As it takes flight
From the darkened mazes.
My soul forgets the world
As the moon’s clairvoyance
Casts its bright veil
On the day’s annoyance.
Then like the nightingale’s song,
With its magic graces,
Sweet music streams
From the darkened mazes.
David is a poet, writer, and translator based in Montreal. He is the founder of The Chained Muse and New Lyre. His collection of poems is entitled Modern Dreams.