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  • Translation

The Fishergirl by Heinrich Heine

Come you lovely fisher girl,

Come and bring your boat to land;

Join me on the golden shore,

We'll cuddle hand in hand.

Lay your head on my breast

And let all your fears set sail,

You've trusted the deep sea

So often with you fate.

My heart is like the sea,

Has storm and ebb and flow

And many lovely pearls

Lie in the depths below.

Translation © David B. Gosselin


Du schönes Fischermädchen,

Treibe den Kahn an's Land;

Komm zu mir und setze dich nieder,

Wir kosen Hand in Hand.

Leg' an mein Herz dein Köpfchen,

Und fürchte dich nicht zu sehr,

Vertrau'st du dich doch sorglos

Täglich dem wilden Meer.

Mein Herz gleicht ganz dem Meere,

Hat Sturm und Ebb' und Fluth,

Und manche schöne Perle

In seiner Tiefe ruht.

Listen to Schubert's Setting of Heine's Poem

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