Sestina for my Father
My father could make a concentration camp into a game, but the game would be his own calamitous mood swings. Dining room table...
Sestina for my Father
Profiles in Poetry: Edwin Arlington Robinson
Leaping from Despair into Hope: The Lesson of Rembrandt’s Resurrection for Today’s Troubled World
Celebrating the Life of Robert Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963)
The Final Disintegration and Renewal of Hope: Postmodernism's Ironic Self-destruction and Poetry’s Rebirth
Profiles in Poetry: Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Hollywood, Predictive Programming and You: Are We Living in a Science Fiction Movie?
The Legend of the Horseshoe by Wolfgang Goethe
Where Does the Butterfly Go?
On the Track of the Sublime With Hieronymus Bosch
The Snowdrop
Journey Through Mountains: The Waterfall, Mastery and Details